Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Final Week

On Thurday November the 10th I went to observe my mini aquarium for the last time. I was really worried when I got there and found that half of the water had evaporated from the tank.  I expected to see at least as many organisms as I did last week if not more until I saw how much water had evaporated.

I expected to see less of everthing but surprisingly that wasn't the case.  The thing that surprised me the most is I only saw 2 rotifers that week.  At the begining of this project, the majority of organisms in my aquarium were rotifers.  I think the decrese in the number of rotifers has to do with the inceasing number of coleps.  The number of coleps I saw had also diminished from the previous week probably due to the evaporation. 

Eventhough two of the four groups of organisms in my aquarium had diminished, the cyclops' were still thriving.  I saw twice as many baby cyclops' than I saw adults.  I also saw two more flat worms this week. 

I am missing some important information in my blogs like my sorces and info about my water source so here it is:

I found all of the organisms in my aquarium by looking in Freeliving Fresh Water Protozoa by D.J. Patterson published by Wolfe Publishing Ltd. in 1992.

My water source is water source #7:Pond at University of Tennessee Hospital. Cherokee Trail.   Knox Co. Knoxville TN Full sun exposure. Storm sewer sediment pond N35 56.305 W83 56.717 850 ft 10/9/2011 Chara sp. Green alga in Family Characeae.

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